When Visiting First Baptist Church of Gretna


We’re excited that you’re thinking about joining us for worship. We know that visiting a new church can be daunting, so we would like to make your visit as welcoming as possible. Below are answers to some common questions. If you have more questions, please email our pastor at bobfbcg@gmail.com

Where should I park?

There is ample parking all around the church, both in parking lots and along the street. There is no wrong place to park. There are handicapped places near the front of the church on Church Street.

Where are the church entrances?

In addition to the front doors of the sanctuary, there are doors on both sides. A ramp is located on the Church Street side.

What should I wear?

Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. On any given Sunday you will find people wearing anything from jeans to suits and everything in between. We gather together to worship and fellowship, and we can do that no matter what type of clothes you’re wearing. You are welcome no matter how you dress.

When do you gather for worship & Bible study?

We gather for Sunday School at 9:45am and worship begins in the sanctuary at 11:00am. The service is usually finished no later than 12:00pm.

Bible study currently meets Wednesday evenings during the school year at 7:00pm.

What can I expect worship to be like at FBC Gretna?

Our worship service can be best described as a blend of traditional and contemporary music. There is a children’s sermon each Sunday; afterwards, our younger ones are invited to participate in their own worship experience that we call “Noah’s Park” down the hall from the sanctuary.

What do you have for my children?

Sunday School is offered for children at 9:45am. During worship we offer a children’s sermon as well as a children’s bulletin for children in elementary school and younger. After the children’s sermon, children are given the opportunity to leave the service for a special children’s time.

New this year, we formed a Children & Youth Ministry Team to look at ways to expand ministry opportunities for our youngest congregants. We are excited to prayerfully consider new ministry opportunities for our youngest congregants.